The Music of Jerzy Przybylski (ASCAP)

Secrets of Life

Debut album by Jerzy

In this album, "Secrets of Life," which is intended as his personal life story, you might find

everything from kids songs to instumental jazz music. Some good, some not too good. But

again this is his life.

You might find flavors from the different countries he has visited. Hopefully, at the very

least, you can appreciate and relate to his experiences as you listen.

But now, let the songs tell the story. Enjoy "Secrets of Life"


Sample verses from a few of the songs on the album are provdided on this page.

Teddy Bear

When I was little,

I lived without problems.

I had a little Teddy Bear,

I spent my days with him.


Statue of Liberty

Everyone watches you,

And more than once, surprized.

How can you hold that?

This heavy, heavy world.


Touch The Sky

You told me that you were coming,

I stood alone holding a sign.

All the people started running,

The clock read a quarter past nine.


Be a Man

Be a man,

Face the challenge.

Be a man,

And take charge.


Just go forward,

Don't turn back.

Just go forward,

Don't turn back.




All material on this page... Lyrics & Music Written by Jerzy Przybylski
JFP 2009 - 03 © (P) 2005-2009 All rights reserved
Recording by River Bend Records Bristol TN
Unauthorized duplication is a violation of copyright laws

Listen to more of Jerzy's music on MySpace Here and Here
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